Smoke Testing Notice

Kulpmont-Marion Heights Joint Municipal Authority will be conducting a smoke test of their sewer system.

Crews will be working in your area starting October 14, 2024, through October 25, 2024.

This smoke testing assessment will assist the Authority in locating breaks and defects in our sewer system. Smoke will be introduced into a manhole and forced down the sewer lines with a blower.  Smoke will escape the system at any point where there is an open break in the line. Smoke may rise from the ground in yards, stream banks, storm drains, etc. Smoke will also escape from manhole lids, building vents, cleanouts, floor drains or foundations.


If smoke enters your home, you could have defective plumbing. If smoke enters your home/building, there is good reason to assume that dangerous sewer gases may also be entering your home or business. You should evacuate immediately and notify our work crews.
You should pour a gallon of water into every sink, tub, and floor drain that is not used daily. This will fill the plumbing fixtures and prevent smoke from entering the building.

If there is any individual in your home or business who has respiratory problems and is immobile, please notify us prior to testing. ·
We will be notifying the Northumberland County Department of Emergency Services prior to conducting the smoking.

If you have any questions, please contact the Kulpmont-Marion Heights Joint Municipal Authority office at 570.644.0461

Public Notice

The Kulpmont-Marion Heights Joint Municipal Authority will hold its Meetings for General Purposes for 2024 every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. at the Kulpmont Municipal Building, 9 N. 8th Street, Kulpmont, PA.

The scheduled Regular Meetings of the Authority for 2024 will be held the Third Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. at the Kulpmont Municipal Building, Kulpmont, PA. Dates of the Regular Meetings are as follows: February 20th, March 19\ April 16th, May 2 l5\ June 18th, July 16th, August 20th, September 17th, October 15th, November 19th, and December 17th.

The Kulpmont-Marion Heights Joint Municipal Authority will hold its Reorganization Meeting with the Regular Meeting to follow at the Kulpmont Municipal Building, Kulpmont, PA on Wednesday, January 17, 2024 at 6:00 p.m.